2010년 11월 1일 월요일

Class note #6: Resubmitted (10.25.10-10.29.10)

Drama:  It is a visual and auditory medium. Movement, dialogue and monologue can be the tools with  which drama creates character, theme, plot, etc.

Drama is often performed to create “Verisimilitude”, which is the feeling that what you see happening on state is really happening.

There are several ways to look at dramatcatic structure such as five-part plot and episodic plot. Drama is constructed to get the attention of the audience immediately and hold it until the play ends.

In well written play, the question provokes a new question in the audience’s mind so that the overall dramatic tension of the production has no weak spots.

Connections between this material and my own experience: I was fortune enough to attend the musical called "Phantom of th Opera", performed by the Broadway musical. As i was watching this masterpiece, i began to think about whether this drama shows any social problems. The Phantom, one of the leading characters of this play, was humiliated and hated by the people in his town when he was young because of his face. That was the reason why he wore the mask,to cover up his face. In addition, it is arguable that one of the reasons why he hid in the threater was to escape from taunts and to punish those who made fun of him. This drama is clearly tragedy since Phantom is rejected by his love, Christine. Thus, this drama should be categorizd as Tragdy.

Types of drama:

Tragedy: It involves the ruin of the leading characters.
Ex: Romeo and Juliet.

Comedy: Lighter drama in which the leading characters overcome the difficulties which temporarily beset, usually humorous.
Ex: A midnight night’s dream

Melodrama: A blend of the serious action of tragedy with the happy ending of comedy. It is often structured as a series of escapes by the protagonist from various threatening circumstances. Clearly shows defined “good” overcoming “Evil”

Tragi-Comedy: Serious action with a happy ending but is complex and with more carefully drawn characters and more thoughtful treatment of serious subject matter such as love, friendship, courage, death, etc. It is more likely to have humor than melodrama.

Problem Play: Drama of social criticism that discusses social, economic, or political problems.
Ex) Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller  

Farce: When comedy involves ridiculous or hilarious complications without regard for human values, it becomes farce.

Comedy of Manners: Comedy which wittily portrays fashionable life.

Domestic/Bourgeois Drama: A serious play that deals with “ordinary” people, from everyday life. The domestic drama has in the last 150 years replaced both classical tragedy and “heroic” drama as the predominant form of serious drama.

We have also gone over the plagiarism. We learend that colleges treat plagiarising intentionally or without knowing equally by immediately failing who have done that.

Theater of the Absurd: Not learned yet.

Connections between this material and the older material: The basic idea of tragedy is about leading charaters downfalling. Oedipus Rex, which we have discussed explictly in our clas, fulfills this description. The play is about a guy who killed his father without knowingly and became the king of Thebes and married his mother. He was trying to avoid th faith, which stated that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Fearing this, he escaped from the town that he had lived after his real paents abandoned him on the mountain. However, in the end, he could not avoid his faith. He ended up killing his dad and marrying his mothr. Once he realizd this, he was led to downfalls since his wife, or his wife, killed herself and that he blinded himself.

-Read and annotate Oedipus Rex by November 2nd.
-Finish first marking period portfolio by October 29th.

http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072405228/student_view0/drama_glossary.html is a great website to learn the terms of drama.

댓글 3개:

  1. Jae, you do a really good job of summarizing the core concepts we covered in class. Your organization is great! It helps me locate the core concepts so much easier. Great job including the homework in your class notes, although I’m pretty sure that was not all the homework that we had to do for that week. Your coverage of the core concepts is thorough, accurate, and concise, which is awesome. The only problem is, you fail to “comment on the relationships among ideas and the relationship between new material and older material and shows connections between the material and other academic subjects, current events, the writer’s own experience, etc.” (part of the requirements). For this reason, I will have to give you a fail.

  2. Good job translating the notes that we got on the handout to the class notes, it makes the notes very easy to understand. I agree with Wendy that it is nice how you have written the homework out for the week. I don't think that you summed the information up and connected it with anything else - you pretty much just copied the notes from the sheet and didn't add your own information, and you also did not include any outside links. Sorry, but I'm going to have to say fail.

  3. There's is not much more to say other than what Sarah and Wendy have said. When i began reading my first impression was that your notes are just copied directly from the handouts. Sorry, Jae. Fail.
