2010년 11월 15일 월요일

Class note #7: Resubmitted (11/8/10-11/12/10)

Class Notes #7
11.08.10- 11.12.10.
Tips for writing AP Essay:

-Read prompt CAREFULLY before writing about it. Some students have written the essays before reading prompt carefully, thus losing the credit. That’s why College Board has decided to give us 5 minutes to read the prompt.

-Identify and underline (or highlight) the goals that are stated in the prompt
l       Make it routine to figure out the prompt and stick to it.

l        T (Thesis)
l        A (Answers)
l        P (Prompt)

-Do not restate the prompt. For example, if a given prompt was “How the author uses diction to create happy tone in his work?” do not write “Author seems create happy tone in his work by using diction.

-When the literature elements are given, it is best for students to include those elements in their essays.

-Meanings= theme; functions= techniques.

- Even when the prompt does not explicitly state about the “hidden so what question”, make sure that you answer it. It is an essential piece to the essay.

-You may want to discuss techniques to support your argument.

For example, here is the prompt.
The meaning of some literary works is often enhanced by sustained allusion to myths, the bible, or other works of literature. Select a literary work that makes se of such a sustained reference. Then write a well-organized essay in which you explain the allusion that predominates in the work and analyze how it enhances the work’s meaning.

Good Thesis: In ____’s ____, the premonitory biblical allusion to Noah’s Ark gives the ____ theme a deeper meaning and familiar meanings to general Christian thus trying to illustrate that “God is all thing” ß states the hidden so what question

http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.shtml is a great website that shows how to write good thesis.
http://www.collegeconfidential.com/ is the great site to learn how the ap exams work and give tips to be successful at AP exams.

Connections between this material and my own experience: I have been writing thesis statements sincce 6th grade and have learned great amounts of knowledge. One of the things that i have learend during the englass classes i had was to write my thoughts and opinions on the paper and then combine those ideas into thesis statement. Also, i learned that it is important to put the theme in thesis statements, which is similar to "hidden so what question?"

We have also discussed Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex.
-One of the topics that were intensely debated on was free will vs. faith. We argued about whether the Oedipus had free will to determine not to kill father or did he not have that at all since he had been destined to kill his father anyway.

-We have also talked about Freud, who created the “Oedipus Complex”, which states the unconscious of son/daughters desiring their parents (like a lover). This theory developed when he saw Oedipus marrying his mom and having children. He stated that the sons/daughters whom had physical and emotional comforts by their parents ended up loving their parents. Son would love his mom and daughter would love her dad. However, it is wrong to assume that this theory is correct since Oedipus's real mom made him stay in the mountain.The one who provided these to Oedipus was fake mom and shand she was the only who provided emotinal and physical comfort to Oedipus, thus counter exampling Freud’s argument.

- Outside Readings and Class notes due on November 15th.
-Hamlet annotaitons due on November 22nd

Works Cited
-http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/thesis_statement.html: website to show how to write good thesis

http://www.collegeconfidential.com/ is the great site to learn how the ap exams work and give tips to be successful at AP exams.



댓글 4개:

  1. Pass - The notes are very clear, and they go beyond what we worked on in class. I like how you combined the different things that we have been learning, and how you used examples. For future notes, make sure to remember to use other sources and websites.

  2. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  3. Jae, once again, great job summarizing the core concepts covered in class using great organization. Your entry is also thorough and concise, which really helped me understand what went on in class even though I wasn’t there. I don’t think your entry was quite accurate though. For example, you mentioned in your entry that “Also, according to Freud, the parents must provide physical and emotional contact for their son/daughters. The one who provided these to Oedipus was fake mom and she died, thus counter exampling Freud’s argument”. Oedipus Rex shows that Freud’s argument is incorrect because Oedipus’ fake mom provided him with emotional contact, but she was not the one he ended up marrying. It was never mentioned in the play that Polybus’ wife died. Also, you never mentioned the homework for the period discussed. Moreover, your entry does not “comment on the relationships among ideas and the relationship between new material and older material and show connections between the material and other academic subjects, current events, the writer’s own experience, etc.” (one of the requirements). Thus, I’m going to have to give you a fail (sorry!)

  4. Fail. Sorry Jae, but these notes are not as concise and organized as they could be. Again, you failed to mention homework. You also lacked any connections to other works or your own experience. Sorry.
